In this episode, we’re tackling the challenges of a slow buyer’s cycle in the concrete coating and home improvement industry. Instead of letting a downturn discourage you, we’ll show you how to turn this into a period of growth. We’ll explore innovative marketing, creative financing, and service diversification to help you thrive when the market slows down.
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Full transcript:
In this podcast episode, we’re going to talk about how concrete coding and home improvement business owners can maximize opportunities in a slower buyers cycle. I’m here with my amazing host in the contract or Click podcast, Marie. How are you? Welcome back. Thank you. I’m excited to be back. What a great day and a great opportunity to be here. I missed you guys. I miss having these conversations. I miss talking to you about all the good stuff that’s happening and all the things that you could be doing right now in your businesses.
So I’m excited to be here today, exciting times to be alive. I mean, if you’re not feeling alive, there’s something wrong with you right now. Uh You know, things are changing so rapidly in industries. Uh We are seeing markets shift and move and, and in today’s conversation, I, I wanna start off the conversation and get right to it. Uh Matty, which is uh let’s, let’s analyze in retrospect what we are seeing in uh in the different markets. You know, we run um virtually hundreds of a accounts throughout the entire United States.
We blanket the entire United States with uh clients and we’ve seen in some territories uh cost per lead and um closing ratios go down and just this erratic movement and wondering, hey, what, what is it that we need to empower and give our clients a contract or click so that they can move forward in confidence? And that’s been the conversation for the past 12 months. If this is the first time listening to the contract or click podcast, make sure you give us a follow. Uh But if you’ve been following the conversation uh in your success podcast in the contract or click podcast, now we’ve been talking about this month or the month of August.
Uh Last year, we started talking about this conversation last year making preparations. Uh We, we launched a program called the Complete Contractor Program for a very good reason. And I am glad that the clients that took advantage of that and decided to join in and, and start to diversify. It’s helped them out build certainty, it doesn’t solve the problem. Uh which the problem is, it’s a new curveball, it’s a new environment. Um We’re seeing technology m most importantly, I want to talk about um how the political environment is affecting and what you’ve noticed after analyzing, assessing you’ve gone through demographics, psychographics, the real estate market in all these different environment, all these different states.
But you’ve come across some interesting data. I want you to share with our listeners what the data is all Right. So let me give you a little back story before I share the data. So for many years, I was a social studies teacher and for me studying trends and things that happen in politics, in history. It’s a big passion of mine. I love it. I still love it today. It’s something that I used to teach English. I went into history when I started teaching history, I realized in order for me to teach a subject, I’ve got to get really, really immersed in it.
So I became fascinated with everything and anything that has to do with politics and history. And if you, I know my family, you know me personally, you know that if we’re traveling through certain states, certain places, I’m always giving you historical facts and tidbits about New York and, and, and all of them, we just went to Georgia and I had a whole bunch of like fun things to like, that’s my jam. So that’s how you travel, you literally look at the map and you’re like, OK, this happened there.
We need to stop by and show the and it’s literally a field of nothing. But for me, it’s valuable because there was a very historical battle that happened there, something like that. So that’s what the preface why I’m saying this. So I’m not a political advisor, I’m not talking politics, we’re not getting into politics. We’re just sharing trends that I’m seeing and how they’re correlating with the current political climate that we’re in. So uh there are seven states, seven states that are the swing states that were, some people say some news sources say six, some news sources say a little bit more but generically speaking, these are consistently the seven swing states this year in the elections.
And we’re looking at Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, um Arizona, Nevada, right? And Minnesota is another one. So well, look, these are the seven, I’m sorry, the seven swing states right now that politicians are big time investing in ads in ads span in convincing consumers and people to vote for them. But then we have four states that are fringe states and these four states are not swing states, they’re fringe states, which means that there are certain parts and sections within the state where certain senate seats are being filled by um other, they’re being filled and the other political party is trying to um fill that seat with their candidate.
So what’s happening is that within pockets in those fringe states, there are certain areas that are consuming or there are a lot of um advertising budget being spent on campaigns. Ok. So they’re not swing states but they’re fringe states within it’s one of those states that it has always been a certain color, but maybe right now the other party is thinking that we can take some seats and pockets within that state and switch them on to another color OK. So those four states are Ohio, Virginia, Florida and Texas, Florida and Texas have always been one color for a long time and they’re very much considered to be one specific party.
But within those states, like the bigger cities like South Florida has certain seats that are gonna be filled, uh, this, this election and in, within those little pockets, there are other candidates that are putting in a lot of money in marketing to be voted to switch the color. So the reason why I’m saying this is the following out of all of these states that I mentioned, I am 100% of them have seen a humongous substantial significant increase in cost per lead. You don’t hear a lot of agencies, anyone else talking about this, how this is affecting the business side.
And I believe bringing this conversation to light here is important because because you need to know how to be empowered and navigate the current times. You know, even I was speaking, I speak to our current clients that are in these states and we have these kinds of conversations together and I spoke to one yesterday and he was like, absolutely in my bread and butter city, which is within one of these seven states. My leads are there. Yes, the cost per lead has gone up higher, but my conversion rate has dropped significantly significantly significantly.
Now, this particular client of mine has a phenomenal closing rate, phenomenal sales process. But in this particular region, one of the best sales processes that we’ve seen best CRM usage, like this guy is amazing at what he does. And he’s noticed a decrease in the conversions in that pocket of that, of that space. And it’s been around this time, not necessarily year wide. It’s dropped off pretty significant since I want to say maybe July. So it’s true, it’s happening. It’s out there, people are not talking, you know, you have like, I’m going to give you 50 leads or like you guys, there are certain spaces and places where, I mean, I don’t know, one business that I work with that has billions of dollars to invest in their one business, marketing like politicians do.
So you’re not going to outbid them. We are here to empower you, not with a wooden sword, which you know, if you fall for an offer like, hey, I’m going to get you X amount of fleets or is free. And look here, here’s the reality. I’ve talked about this respectfully if you’re an agency owner and you’re listening to this and you’re like, oh my gosh, you’re talking about me. I’m, I’m not talking anything negative. It’s just the reality of what do we need to do as marketers and agency owners to empower our clients to ensure they’re having a positive ro I consistently otherwise the least the leads is not the problem.
Now, the leads is not the problem. It’s a slower buyer cycle. And the question is, how do we address the conversation of dealing with a slower buyer cycle? And that’s what I wanna focus in, in the next uh segment here, which is, you know, starting out with the sales process optimization. You know, it’s, it’s important to uh look at, at the reality of the situation and own up your space, uh own up the reality that, hey, this is the time where I’ve got to make sure I have the best marketing system in place for my business.
And it’s not a one leg system. It’s not a wooden sword, it’s not a quick hack. It’s not like let me buy some leads here and see if that works. If that’s what you do, my friend, you will notice your cost per acquisition go up significantly because you’re not working with a strategy, right? And that’s just we, we’ve seen individuals that have come to our world where they’re literally uh they’re, they’re at the end of the rope and they can no longer bear and uh a contractor click.
We, we’d love to serve everyone. Uh but we’re not saviors. We’re, we’re not in a position to save you if the last four or six months you were unprepared, uh didn’t take action. Um You know, you were just kind of just playing it by ear and throwing some money here, some money there and wondering, you know, is it going to get better jumping from one agency to the next uh like AAA Grasshopper, right? So it’s, that’s not how you build and run a sustainable business. However, you do need to go back to the drawing board and analyze and assess what are the key components that you control.
And one of them is the sales process. Why is the sales process fundamental right now in the most important for everyone? OK. So the sales process is super fundamental right now along with everything that is like all of the stuff that we’re gonna talk about. I, I get that it’s worked for years. I get it. I believe you. I does, I know that you’ve had a phenomenal sales process that has worked. However, today’s buyer is not the buyer that existed two years ago or even six months ago or it’s not the buyer that’s going to be, it’s not the same, it’s not the same buyer that will be three months from now or six months from now.
So right now, in terms of your sales process, you have to be, you have to go back and revisit it. Even if it’s always worked, you have to revisit your sales process. You have to revisit who’s buying from you. You have to make sure that you know exactly who is the demographic and the person that is buying from you. And it’s probably changed. I had a call yesterday with somebody who was like, you know what, Maddie, I have seen a shift in my buyer. It was before I was getting people calling me that were getting new homes and just had gotten married and were like buying a new construction and just wanted to have this service in their home for their brand new home that moved in.
And now I’m going to homes and houses and the only people that I’m, I’m booking are people that are my parents’ age. This is like a 30 something year old person. So their buyer has shifted in the last three months and, and they’re now coming to me, we’re having this conversation together and we’re working on their sales process. We’re working on, on that, that voice that they have in, in, in everything that they’re putting out there because they’re not going to be like hung up over the fact that they’re not selling to this demographic that they used to sell so great before and they used to sell floors all the time for this demographic.
Now they’re like, ok, let me shift to this guy and let’s let’s shift our sales process to, to accommodate that. And here’s something I want to have you consider. I, I like to study the bigger players, you know, companies that are north of $403 million in the home improvement space and analyze, assess how they start their sales process. You’ve noticed that uh many of them started shifting towards uh right out of the gates qualifying the lead and the prospects to getting them on a, in a payment plan or having some sort of um you know, financing a program in place that gets the lead and the buyer information, prospective buyer information and walks them through.
So by the time the salesperson is at the door, the money is not the worry or the concern, right? And, and the thing is in terms of instability in the economy and the political system, why do you think that buyers are affected and the grand majority of customers are affected and they slow down their buying decision? I think no matter what political party you like or you vote for everybody’s in the same boat. And that is, I’m holding my money just in case I don’t know what’s going to happen.
So I’m just going to hold on to just in case it doesn’t matter who you vote for. I don’t know what’s going to happen in November. So because I don’t trust this person or I don’t trust this person, I’m just going to hold on to my money because of the fear that something is going to happen. And you can go back and listen to our podcast here contract or click on youtube on Spotify. We’ve created plenty of material for you to go through which is relevant for today’s day and age.
We, we literally created um our content for this time to help you stay prepared um and ensure that you build the confidence in yourself and look. Um these times are giving you the opportunity where you can either run scared and, you know, secretly scared often times, but you, you’re not feeling certain, you’re very uncertain about the future and what it holds for your company. Um Some individuals are downsizing or they’re cutting down marketing in and advertising all together, they’re thinking they’re gonna make it out on the other side of life.
But I wanna have you consider that this is the time instead of running, scared, run towards it with a plan and a strategy. And the reason being you think about any time in history, all you have to do is study history. What businesses have not only survived and thrive in those environments. Let’s just go back in time, right? Um Market crashes when market crashes were happening. Um 2007, 2008, the businesses that state advertising, how do you think they came out on the other side? Rich, wealthy? Uh let’s go to uh just the most recent events here uh COVID, right?
Um During that time span, I I get it, businesses were closing doors, shutting down, not knowing what to do which businesses capitalized the most during that time. The ones that continue to market and run as usual. Yeah. Mhm So this is the time for you to double down and your sales process is a, is a crucial part. So I wanna give you two things to work on the sales process. The first one is the, the financing options is, it’s important for you to make it easier for buyers to say yes.
And maybe that’s the question for you to ask. How can I make it easier for them to say yes if money and holding money to my money right now. Um, it’s, it’s one of the main objections. It’s like, hey, I just want to hold it off until X or I just want to see what happens in November, right? And, and figure out a way of building certainty and what we’ve noticed is the clients that offer financing and start the conversation with financing. Do they have higher closing ratios?
Yes or higher. And that’s important that you’re saying that because it’s not just like, oh, we have financing available, it’s actually baking it into your sales process, bake it into the sales process. Um We had um um amazing uh guest here Chris Scoville and uh he was here a couple of episodes ago. You can listen to that podcast episode. Uh We’re also gonna bring other individuals to talk about uh the subject of bringing financing into your sales process. And, and if you haven’t had the conversation with a professional, make sure you look at your options.
This is what we talked about in the Cook Master Lab, which is um how to vet the right partner for you and also for your customers, right? That gives you the flexibility, the options and, and, and we’re not married to a specific vendor per se, but we give you guys the whole buffet of options for you to go and do your due diligence. So these are the conversations that are super relevant at, at the Cook Master Lab, which is our coaching program. A big shout out to Cook Master Lab.
Um and that’s on the front end, it’s baking it in where you lead form even at the, at the very entry front is asking the prospective buyer, hey, what’s your credit score? Right? And, and you’re gonna start to see a lot more of this happening out of the gates because that will give you guys better opportunities. Otherwise, what you’re gonna find out is you’re gonna start presenting, selling, selling, selling, selling closing ratios, literally decimating. I mean, we had a company that came to us. It’s like, man, we spent 20,000 for the month, give me the, give me the data that they gave $20,000 for the month.
100 and 80 plus leads it only close seven, only close seven jobs average ticket for those jobs, about $3500 0003 dollars. If you do the math there, did they even make their money back, Chris question? No, no, no. So and that’s a company that’s, you know, they’ve got a CMO uh they’ve got better things, more, more things than most. Um And then we studied their sales process, we looked at all these different gaps and I’m telling you the sales process is crucial how you start the conversation. So, um it’s important to understand the, the sales process.
So you have that in the front end and then now you’re looking at the buyer’s life cycle. If your sales process is not uh nurturing the relationship before, before, during and after, uh you will lose the opportunity to someone else that has a better process and people want to have the comfort and the confidence in today’s day and age. So if someone submits their information, gives you a call, phone rings, rings, rings, rings, rings, no one picks up or maybe when someone calls them back, they’re grumpy, right?
And, and all those little deposits are planting seeds in the buyer’s mind or prospective buyer’s mind, whether they’re gonna make the decision between you and someone else, right? I feel like that in, in speaking to that when you’re in that particular process, there needs to be a little bit of a shift of like I’m calling this person. Um, you’re, you’re selling them, obviously, you’re selling them, but you’re not, I’m getting to know them. I want to know them. I want to talk to them. I want to form some sort of trust and rapport with this person because once I form a trust and rapport with this person, once I show up at their house, the sale is much easier than if I just start presenting product.
Best thing about this product. This product is this, this product is the best. It has the best product. I buy the best product. It’s not about the product. It’s not about the floor. It’s about, hey, I’m your friend and I want to make your life a little bit easier by offering you this service that I offer. And when you show up with that mentality, I feel like that warms up the lead a lot more than if you just start with like we’re the best and this is the best product and buy it for me in a market.
We say this in a market where your competitor has the same product or access to the same product, the fastest way to differentiate yourself is not through the product, it’s not through the product benefits is through the relationship. And if you do that and you embrace that reality is you, you start out of the gates by building the relationship nurturing before during and after. You’re going to have a higher level of connection and your likelihood to close is much higher. So think about that for a moment.
How am I building the before during and after? And these are the conversations we like to have constantly a contract or click. How are we implementing communication through our clients pipeline the CRM. How is, how is the first message different for from this client to that client? Based on service offering, region territory, the voice of the brand. So all those small details here, I mean, we’re literally working with our amazing uh podcast here, podcast junkies. And we’re looking at the sales process and we’re gonna talk about the sales process optimization.
That’s what we’re gonna talk about. It’s like, hey, before doing and after, what are we doing in the, before, during and after, how can we improve the, before, during and after? Because that, that’s what it comes down to like that. Those are the small little details that will have uh pay off big dividends in your process. Um What else you got for us today? Um We can also talk about um ok, this is another good one right now, we went to the mall um on the weekend, right?
And out of 10 stores that we saw how many stores were offering a sale, out of 10 stores, how many were offering a sale? Everything’s on sale, the majority, everything is on sale, everything’s on sale. So um I want to talk about offers, talk about offers like why is it mandatory or why is it important to have offers? Yes. Oh, you, you got to create some sort of offering and again, go back and study the bigger players. How are they differentiating yoursel themselves from you? How is it different?
What’s their thinking process? And look, I get it. There are, there are companies that are backed by, by private equity and they have access to special financing options that you can’t match per se. Right. It, it’s just much different but you can understand in how they’re positioning their, their offering. So it is more common now to hear we’re gonna give you 60% off of installation or 210% off of your, the product installed. Now, what you’re not hearing is, uh, price per square foot. Um, you know, what’s it gonna be?
It all averages out to be profitable at the end of the day. It, it’s all gonna average out. Now. It drives me to the conversation of if you don’t understand your numbers and your profitability, uh, n no offer is gonna do it. Um, the way that you need it done like it doesn’t matter, you, you can go bankrupt. Uh If you just saying I’m gonna discount every little thing in my, in my process in my in install. So, thinking about looking at your, your specific uh niche and the service that you offer, what are, what is everyone else doing right now to engage the prospect and get their attention?
Is it what we’re seeing in more stuff than in the concrete coding space? Like $2000 off $210 off? That’s not even scratching the surface right now. I, I don’t think that’s getting noticed. So, what’s something else that could or would? And they said always a discount. Is it always a discount? And this is what I’ve challenged our clients for the longest time if I was running a concrete coatings company in today’s environment. And I know the number one pain point for homeowner when they’re doing their concrete coding floor, the garage floor, specifically garage floor, let’s stay there.
Maybe it’s not the $2100 off discount. Maybe is, you know, the paint that they have to go through Maie to clear out the garage and where they’re going to store all of that. And does the homeowner now have to rent out a storage unit to be, uh, put their stuff out for two days. So, would the homeowner appreciate more a $2000 off or would they appreciate more the fact that a, this is a white glove service here, we wanna make sure we give you a masterpiece of a floor.
And on top of that, we’re gonna have our professional team take out all these different, you know, your bicycles, all, you know, the tools that you have boxes, we’re going to bring our own storage, uh, unit, park it outside, lock it, give you the keys so you can access it. So you see what I’m doing there? It’s an offer. It’s, I’m not, I’m not just focused on the garage floor and what it’s gonna look like. We know it’s gonna be beautiful. I know that for a fact, but I know the pain point that they have to think about in making the decision is how we’re gonna move that especially with the female, the woman of the house.
The guys don’t necessarily, we don’t worry about that. We just move stuff, right. But the female of the home, the the the the actual decision maker has to make that decision. What are we gonna do? What a hassle to move everything out of there? So let’s remove the pain. So I would literally build a seven figure coding business on the backs of doing the things that my competitors are not doing that. I know the homeowner wishes would be done in the process and create that as the irresistible offer now.
Is it more hassle? Yes or no? I mean, what, what would be my cost? So I need to, I need to buy, I need to buy, right? So I would have to bake it into my production and, and my investment as a business owner, how many units uh storage units do I need to buy? What’s my cost to drive it out of my warehouse to park it out. How much is it going to be labor for two guys to, to spend two hours or three hours just packing everything and moving it out?
Uh You know, what are my legal? Um You know that, you know what else? There’s also an opportunity there to partner with a local person in your community that might do that and then you both refer business to each other. Right now I talked about being profitable. Is that profitable for me if I have to now fork it out, out of my pocket. Well, what you have to, yeah, you have to look at the numbers. So if I’m running the business, that’s what I think about. So it’s an investment that I’ve made that I know I can recoup and then worst case scenario, my competitors are not doing it 240%.
Yeah, you could do that like that. That’s an actual business in its own. So if you’re an entrepreneur and now you’re thinking about um hey, um I have my codings business. What else can I offer my clients as an Upsell? That could be an Upsell too and then let them know, hey, if you were to rent this out somewhere else, it’s gonna cost you $7003 for the day or for two days. Um I’m actually just gonna give it to you for $2700 and then you got, if you want my guys to go and uh put out stuff from, from your garage there, uh it’s only gonna be uh whatever 2000 $22020 for, for the move, we make it quick and easy 100%.
Uh It’s bonded, it’s insured so you don’t have to worry about anything. So that, that could be another business again. You gotta make the numbers work for you so you can create that irresistible offer. Just play with the numbers. I’m not here to talk about um how you would make that profitable. We need to go through a spreadsheet and work that out. But that’s, that’s a way to create an irresistible offer because often times we think the irresistible offer is the discount. And what we’ve talked about recently is people don’t appreciate discounts or interestingly enough employees might not necessarily appreciate just a significant race, They appreciate the benefits often times more than the significant race.
So that is something to consider. So that’s irresistible offers. Um And that, I think that that covers that topic. That’s good. Um So let’s talk about diversifying your leads. Love it. Let’s talk about that. What do you, what do you, what are you thinking about that right now? All right, I think you can’t depend on one lead source and we’ve been talking about this, the complete contractor program. Um We literally had people question, hey, why are you now forcing your clients to diversify? Its because we saw this, we saw this season coming.
I saw this way before anyone else was talking about it and seen it because here’s what I know. It’s in times of instability. The last thing you wanna have is your business. Depend on a number one, I learned that from Dan Kennedy in times of instability. The last thing you wanna have for your business is be depending on a number one, which means that what happens if that number one gets wiped away? I mean, quite literally, Facebook could just change an algorithm per se and now you’re out of business.
Like if that’s your main lead source, that’s it. Second thing is we want to ensure our clients have inbound search demand for their services, which means we want to understand your territory. And if you don’t have any Google search presence need to get up there. Like that’s it. That’s, that’s like free money. If you’re ranked organically on Google, search for all the terms, people that are looking for your services in your area and you’re showing up in all all your territories for all the near or meter.
Uh You’re just there, you know, casting a wide net and then capturing all the fishes coming back home and saying love, we’re good, right? The individuals we are seeing suffer and struggle in this economy have been the ones that have forever taken all of their money and said, hey, everything on the only thing that’s working at scale and volume is Facebook ads and we’ve been talking about this, hey, you need to make sure that you’re also increasing ad advertising spend on the Google search landscape. So Google ads, it’s important.
Uh Organic search is important. Your Google Maps listing with your five star reviews, extremely important. Uh So if you don’t have all those other legs working for you actively, uh you are missing out on what could be, um, in this economy, what could be keeping you afloat and we’ve seen it. Yeah, for sure. For sure. You also have to like, exactly. You have to see, you have to do a deep dive of where your leads are coming from where they’re converting the highest, what percentage they’re converting at.
And you have to figure out how you’re going to diversify and shift and make a proper plan to what lead source comes from where and where you’re going to invest and spend more time. And I think that’s, that’s something that you need as a business. If you want to survive right now, you can’t, you’re right. You can’t just stick yourself in one spot and say that’s it because what if that breaks because they break all the time. It’s true. Facebook changes their algorithm all the time. Uh Google changes its algorithm all the time.
It does updates all the time. All of these things are always there’s updates that happen with random Microsoft things that break databases and other things and you have to be able to OK. This is not working right this minute. I have these other four different sources that I can use to market as well. So that’s important. And here’s the thing. It’s then Kennedy says this, I love this quote. Uh The one that wins is the one that is able to spend the most to acquire a customer plain and simple.
He doesn’t talk about the one that is the most profitable up front. Now, here’s the reality as a concrete coding business owner or home improvement. You’re kind of just thinking about the one time sell, you, you’re kind of just for the most part, you’re just looking at the ticket item and if that’s all you treat your customers as good luck. Uh, this economy is not for just a 11 night stand type of deal. This economy is for those that want to build long term relationships and capitalize in the lifetime value of the client and customer.
So you gotta look at the lifetime value of your kind or customer journey and then ask yourself in the grand scheme of things if I’m able to get this guy also for the patio on the pool deck and get this done and this other interior floor or whatever it is that you offer doesn’t matter kitchen if they got the kitchen, now you got them for the bath, remodel or extension. Um If you’re doing pavers, it could be, hey, they’re getting the patio done. But you know, there’s an opportunity to also build a kitchen.
Um And you know, the Pergola and if someone is installing a, a pool, um, now you’ve got the pool and the deck and the outdoor living experience, right? So you’re looking at the lifetime value of that individual and I’m willing to invest more for the acquisition upfront because I know over the lifetime of that relationship. That number is not going to be a $3500 ticket. That might be a 60,000 or 30,0003 or 500,000 or $2 million value of that customer. So if, as a business owner, all I’m doing is saying, you know what I’m just putting in, um, I’m putting in 10,000 and, um, I’m getting back instead of getting back 10 X 100,000, I’m only getting back 40,000, right?
And I’m not looking at the lifetime value where my lifetime value multiplied amongst all of that could be worth 700,000 or a million dollars. If I am, if I’m, if I’m just making decisions just on what I see on the immediate and I don’t understand lifetime value. That’s the biggest problem I see uh in this economy, guys getting scared, um, stop advertising, not a problem. You stop advertising. If you wanna stop advertising, I don’t know how you’re gonna make it out on the other side. Uh You probably gonna have to let people go very shortly and very soon.
Um, and if you’re looking at this from a perspective of, well, you know, I was this profitable last year and this year I’m not as profitable. You, you’ve got to make sure that you continue to give oxygen to your business, which is the lead flow and the opportunities build those relationships, uh improve your sales process, improve the delivery of your client experience like this is the time to refine and redefine what that looks like. So on the other side, you have the most dialed in um advertising, marketing sales acquisition system for your home improvement business, which is what I’m most excited about.
This is what we’ve opened up just for a select few individuals is our CMO plus program, which is a more deep dive, very involved CMO fractional CMO process where we’re looking at your entire marketing landscape, your entire from the customer voice, the avatar the research and this is very involved to the point. We can’t take 2020 clients a month on this deal. It’s very hand selective. Uh And right now we’re doing that with just a select few individuals in our um in our programs. And what we’ve seen is the ones that are taking action on it.
Maddie, they’re doing fine, they’re doing, they’re doing fine, they are doing fine and they keep getting better. They’re doing fine and everything works itself out, right. It’s everything we’ve been talking about. Forecasts. What should we do next? It’s very involved, very agile and this is what you need right now. They’re not, they’re not afraid when we say that this is why it’s also very, it’s only a handful because this is a relationship that we’re building with this company. And if it’s like a any another relationship, if we don’t trust each other, then that relationship doesn’t work.
So if they they all very trusting. They trust what we say, they do what we say they move forward, we listen to them, we trust them when they say this is this and that blah, blah. And it’s, it’s working beautifully. It truly is working beautifully like they’re doing fine. So if you’re a home improvement business owner, concrete coding business owner and uh you are looking to not only survive but to thrive in this environment and beyond. I want you to go to contract to do. Click today, contract or click, brings you this information at all cost.
Make sure you also subscribe to our podcast um here on youtube on Spotify, on Apple, wherever you’re listening to the podcast, give us that subscribe. Let us know what you think about it. Most importantly, if you feel like this is resonating with you, you want to learn more, there are three key pivots you must make in this environment, your business this year in order to readjust and get yourself calibrated so that this could be the springboard year for your business. And if you want to learn how you can implement those in your business, go to contractor dot click or just Google contractor, click, we’re gonna come up and hit the get started button and now that being said, anything else you wanna say here before we wrap it up?
Beautiful, great episode. Thank you for watching. We’ll see you in the next one, Danny Barrera over and out?
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Contractor Click provides managed digital marketing solutions and marketing coaching for interior & exterior home improvement businesses.
As a leading home improvement marketing agency, we are on a mission to impact the lives of 1,000 or more home improvement contractors by 2026 by helping them grow profitable businesses.